Astrofísica Centroamericana y del Caribe
Alpha-Cen es una agrupación científica sin fines de lucro y no gubernamental creada para desarrollo y fortalecimiento de la investigación en ciencias astronómicas en la región centroamericana y el Caribe. Está integrada por personas de Centroamérica y el Caribe que hayan hecho o estén inscritas en algún posgrado relacionado con ciencias astronómicas, dentro y fuera de la región, así como personas que colaboren con el desarrollo de la rama en la región. Alpha-Cen trabaja con el fin de aportar, mejorar y compartir la comprensión científica del universo. Es deseo de Alpha-Cen trabajar en un espacio seguro fomentando un comportamiento ético dentro de la asociación, así como con sus colaboradores y con la comunidad en general, por ende no se toleran comportamientos no éticos como racismo, acoso y discriminación de cualquier tipo.
Objetivo general de Alpha-Cen
Alpha-Cen es una agrupación internacional no lucrativa y no gubernamental cuyo objetivo es promover la ciencia de la astronomía en todos sus aspectos dentro de la región centroamericana y el Caribe.
Objetivos específicos de Alpha-Cen
1) Propiciar y apoyar investigaciones científicas en ciencias astronómicas en Centroamérica y el Caribe.
2) Apoyar a estudiantes de la región en sus aplicaciones a posgrados, estancias o congresos.
3) Incentivar colaboraciones científicas entre las personas de Alpha-Cen así como con investigadores en otras regiones.
4) Asesorías de tesis de grado y posgrado a estudiantes en Centroamérica y el Caribe.
5) Cooperar con las instituciones científicas en los países centroamericanos y el Caribe en el desarrollo de las ciencias astronómicas.
6) Contribuir responsablemente en la difusión y divulgación de las ciencias astronómicas en la región.
Organización de Alpha-Cen
Son órganos de Alpha-Cen:
1) Asamblea General
La Asamblea General es la autoridad máxima de Alpha-Cen y se conforma con los miembros plenos, miembros asociados y miembros básicos. La Asamblea General tendrá una sesión ordinaria al año y las resoluciones serán aprobadas por mayoría simple de votos.
2) Comité Ejecutivo
El Comité Ejecutivo es el órgano que administra Alpha-Cen y se conforma con los siguientes cargos:
1) Presidente: Miembro pleno
2) Vicepresidente: Miembro pleno
3) Secretario(a): Miembro pleno
4) Tesorero(a): Miembro pleno
5) Vocal I: Miembro asociado
6) Vocal II: Miembro asociado
7) Vocal III: Miembro básico
3) Comité de ética
Es el órgano que vela por la naturaleza y misión de Alpha-Cen, la cual trabaja con el fin de aportar, mejorar y compartir conocimientos científicos relacionados al universo. Alpha-Cen trabaja en un espacio seguro, con un comportamiento ético dentro de la asociación, así como con sus colaboradores y el público en general. Por ende, no se toleran comportamientos no éticos como racismo, acoso y discriminación de cualquier tipo.
4) Comité Supervisor
El Comité Supervisor es un órgano que monitorea el desarrollo y funcionamiento de Alpha-Cen. Se conforma con personas de instituciones externas colaboradoras de Alpha-Cen.
Comité Ejecutivo 2024-2028
El Comité Ejecutivo electo en Asamblea General para el período de 2024 a 2028 está estructurado de la siguiente manera:

Raúl Henríquez

Edwin Santiago-Leandro
Vocal I
Graduado de la carrera de Física en la Universidad de Costa Rica. Actualmente es estudiante de Doctorado en el Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE), en México. Ha trabajado en proyectos de lentes gravitacionales, y su área principal son simulaciones hidrodinámicas y sistemas binarios de agujeros negros. También ha sido docente de cursos introductorios de física en la Universidad de Costa Rica.

Diana López
Vocal II
De nacionalidad panameña, es Licenciada en Física por la Universidad de Panamá. Actualmente, cursa la Maestría en Astrofísica en la Universidad de Bonn, Alemania. Durante su pregrado, realizó investigaciones sobre máseres moleculares como marcadores de momento angular en protoestrellas masivas en colaboración con la Universidad de Western Illinois, EE. UU. Participa activamente en la ejecución de proyectos educativos y divulgación de las ciencias espaciales en la región.

Fabián Quesada-Zúñiga
Vocal III
Astrofísico costarricense y actual estudiante de Doctorado en el Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE). Mi área de trabajo es astrofísica de medio interestelar y regiones de formación estelar. Egresado del Bachillerato en Física por la Universidad de Costa Rica y de la Maestría en Ciencias en la especialidad de Astrofísica por el INAOE.
Alpha-Cen Constitution
Central American and Caribbean Astrophysics
Updated by the Executive Committee in March 2022
Chapter I. General Rules
1.1 Legal Nature: Alpha-Cen is a non-profit, non-governmental scientific association created to develop and strengthen the astronomical sciences in the Central American and Caribbean region. Our mission is to connect Central American and Caribbean astronomers, students and professionals, with experts in different astronomical areas around the world. We seek to: a) maintain high scientific standards within the region; b) promote studies and professional development of Central American and Caribbean individuals who are pursuing a career in astronomical science.
Alpha-Cen is composed of individuals, students and professionals committed to Central American and Caribbean Astronomy. Individuals who have completed or are completing postgraduate studies related to astronomical sciences, either within or outside the region, who collaborate with the development of the field.
Alpha-Cen aims to promote a safe space and encourages ethical awareness among its members, collaborators and the community in general. Unethical behaviours such as racism, harassment, bullying and any kind of discriminations are not tolerated.
1.2 Mission: Alpha-Cen is a scientific organisation which looks after the development of astronomical sciences in Central America and the Caribbean. Our goal is to connect astronomers within the region, students and professionals, with experts around the world. We seek to maintain high scientific standards, and promote the professional development of Central American and Caribbean individuals pursuing a career in astronomical science.
1.3 Official languages: English and Spanish.
1.4 Goals
1.4.1 General goal: promote astronomical science in all its aspects within the Central American and the Caribbean region.
1.4.2 Strategic goals: Expand the scope and impact of research in local institutions. Build capabilities and skills in local students to become successful scientists. Harness positive impact of Astronomy to engage with public education and general awareness. Become the point of contact for astronomical sciences in Central America and the Caribbean.
1.4.3 Specific goals: Foster and support scientific research in astronomical sciences in Central America and the Caribbean. Raise Central American and Caribbean research out of isolation by connecting local members with international experts. Encourage scientific collaborations between members of Alpha-Cen and researchers from other regions. Build a support network for students. Support students in the region with their applications for postgraduate studies, internships and conferences. Provide workshops, talks, conferences, and summer/winters schools accessible to all local students. To encourage populations underrepresented in science to pursue STEM careers. Supervision of Central American and Caribbean students’ undergraduate and graduate theses. Cooperate with scientific institutions in Central American and Caribbean countries to develop astronomical sciences. Lead the dissemination of astronomical sciences in the region. Leverage the skills of Alpha-Cen members to design and sponsor outreach activities for the general public. Provide easy access to scientist and scientific content.
Chapter II. On Alpha-Cen Members
2.1 Members: Any individual, student or professional involved in astronomical research and/or studies, can be an Alpha-Cen member. They must be involved and committed to the Central American and the Caribbean Astronomy in alignment to Alpha-Cen’s goals.
2.2 Levels of Membership: There are six types of members in Alpha-Cen:
2.2.1 Full members. Members with a PhD in astrophysics (astronomy) or related sciences, who have published in high-impact journals in their field.
2.2.2 Associate members. Members enrolled in a Masters program, with a Masters degree in astrophysics and/or PhD students in astrophysics (astronomy) or related sciences. This category also includes members with a PhD in astronomy related areas who have not published in refereed journals.
2.2.3 Basic members. Members with or currently completing a bachelor degree in astrophysics or related topics.
2.2.4 Founder members. All people who attended the first General Assembly (December 2019), and comply with the requisites established in the statute approved on the 15th of September 2019.
2.2.5 Honorary members. Members who have been granted the honorary status for their merits or contributions to Alpha-Cen.
2.2.7 Support Member. Members who contribute monetarily to the Alpha-Cen cause.
2.2.6 Institutional Member. Institutions that actively support the goals of Alpha-Cen.
2.3 Membership fee: for full, support and institutional Alpha-Cen members a membership fee is required. The amount is decided during the General Assembly and updated during the corresponding annual regular session, if necessary. An active member is a member with their membership fee payments up to date. Refer to Policy A for the current fee.
Members who are not up to date with their payments cannot be elected to any Alpha-Cen position, cannot apply to Alpha-Cen funds and are not considered active members.
2.3 Membership expiration: if a member is inactive for two years, they will receive three membership expiration notifications via email. If after 15 days from when the third notification was sent the member does not reply, their membership will be automatically cancelled. To be reinstated, an applicant will have to send a formal request to the Executive Committee, which will then decide if it is appropriate to accept their application. If accepted, the applicant must settle all unpaid fees.
2.4 Registration: To become a member of Alpha-Cen, an applicant has to apply following the rules established by the Executive Committee.
Documents to be attached to the application:
- Application form.
- Curriculum vitae (CV).
- Nomination from an Alpha-Cen member (attach the nomination form). The list of Alpha-Cen members is available in the official web page.
All documents must be sent to the official email address (e.g.
If a person is interested in registering but does not know any Alpha-Cen members who can nominate them, they can send an “expression of interest” to the Alpha-Cen email address. The application will then be sent to the section corresponding to their country to assess their possible nomination. The section will assess CV and documents of the applicant before making a recommendation during the General Assembly.
Chapter III. Alpha-Cen Structure
3.1 Alpha-Cen governing bodies:
- General Assembly
- Executive Committee
- Advisory Committee
- Ethical Committee
3.1.1 General Assembly: The General Assembly is Alpha-Cen supreme authority and is composed of the full, associate and basic members described in Chapter II.
The General Assembly is responsible for:
- Approving amendments and modifications of the Alpha-Cen Constitution and Policies.
- Electing the Executive Committee, which coordinates the operations of Alpha-Cen. The Executive Committee reports to the General Assembly.
- Establishing the fees payed by members.
- Evaluating and making decisions on reports of accomplished activities, as well as the financial status of Alpha-Cen.
- Approving new rules necessary for the progress of Alpha-Cen’s operations.
- Deciding on objections against the decisions and acts of the Executive Committee.
- Any other situations appropriate for its quality of Alpha-Cen supreme authority. Resolutions: Resolutions made during the General Assembly will be approved if voted by more than half of the active members present at the Alpha-Cen session (simple majority). The President of the Executive Committee’s vote will be counted twice in case a resolution does not reach the simple majority of votes. The Executive Committee will release a statement to the members of Alpha-Cen including the resolutions approved by the General Assembly within 15 working days from the date of the Assembly. Sessions: The Alpha-Cen General Assembly will be conducted by means of virtual sessions. The types of sessions are the following:
- Ordinary sessions: the Executive Committee of Alpha-Cen will organise one ordinary session per year and give all members at least 15 days’ notice.
- Extraordinary sessions: extraordinary sessions can be organised by the Executive Committee or requested by a group of ten or more members of Alpha-Cen. The Executive Committee must organise any extraordinary sessions requested by a group of members within 15 days from the request.
- Solemn sessions: the Executive Committee can organise face-to-face solemn sessions in particularly worthy occasions.
3.1.2 Executive Committee: The Executive Committee is Alpha-Cen’s administrative body.
General responsibilities of the committee members are:
- To attend more than 70% of regular meetings or excuse themselves when they cannot attend.
- To vote on the Executive Committee decisions.
- To accept and support the decisions made by the majority of members in the Executive Committee.
- Sign a confidentiality agreement.
The Executive Committee it is composed of the following roles: President
Prerequisites: be a full member and up to date with the membership fee.
Duration: four years. It is possible to be re-elected in a different role (i.e., not President) within the Executive Committee.
- Chair the sessions of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee.
- In case of a draw after a vote during the General Assembly or Executive Committee, the vote of the President will be counted twice.
- Authorise payments in collaboration with the Treasurer.
- Execute and ensure the implementation of current Alpha-Cen statutes and regulations.
- Prepare the agenda of sessions in collaboration with the Secretary.
- Oversee Alpha-Cen’s operations. Vice-president
Prerequisites: be a full member and up to date with the membership fee.
Duration: four years. It is possible to be re-elected in a different role (i.e., not Vice-president) within the Executive Committee.
- Replace the President in case they are absent or unavailable.
- Support the President in running operations.
- Replace the President for the remaining of the term in case they are permanently unavailable.
- Any other duties assigned by the General Assembly or Executive Committee. Secretary
Prerequisites: be a full member and up to date with the membership fee.
Duration: four years. It is possible to be re-elected in a different role (i.e., not Secretary) within the Executive Committee.
- Keep and maintain written records of the General Assembly and Executive Committee meetings.
- Prepare the agenda of sessions in collaboration with the President.
- Notify agreements and resolutions of the General Assembly sessions.
- Manage the Alpha-Cen email account in collaboration with the President.
- Manage communications and social media presence in collaboration with two other members of Alpha-Cen appointed by the Executive Committee.
- Receive and coordinate the assessment of membership applications and relevant documents. Treasurer
Prerequisites: be a full member and up to date with the membership fee.
Duration: four years. It is possible to be re-elected in a different role (i.e., not Treasurer) within the Executive Committee.
- Collect and manage all funds allocated to Alpha-Cen in a dedicated bank account and inform the President on the status of deposits and payments.
- Authorise the President to make payments in accordance with the disposition of the General Assembly and Executive Committee.
- Produce biannual reports to the Executive Committee.
- Prepare an annual financial report that will be presented at the ordinary session of the General Assembly.
- Manage membership fees. Committee Member I (representing associate members)
Prerequisites: be an associate member and up to date with the membership fee.
Duration: two years. It is possible to be re-elected once in the same role within the Executive Committee. Committee Member II (representing associate members)
Prerequisites: be an associate member and up to date with the membership fee.
Duration: two years. It is possible to be re-elected once in the same role within the Executive Committee. Committee Member III (representing basic members)
Prerequisites: be a basic member and up to date with the membership fee.
Duration: two years. It is possible to be re-elected once in the same role within the Executive Committee.
Responsibilities of the Committee Members:
- Collaborate with the rest of the Executive Committee on Alpha-Cen activities.
- Replace the members of the Executive Committee who are temporarily absent or unavailable, with the except of the President.
- Be part of specific sub-committees created by the Executive Committee.
- Represent associate and basic members within the Executive Committee. Committee Member IV (optional)
Prerequisites: be an honorary member of Alpha-Cen.
Duration: two years. It is possible to be re-elected once in the same role within the Executive Committee.
Responsibilities :
- Contribute to and advise during the Executive Committee meetings. Committee Member IV is a non-voting member. Resignation: All members of the Executive Committee can resign from their position by writing directly to the Executive Committee. The letter must indicate the date when the resignation takes effect and the resigning member must send the letter at least two weeks before. The Executive Committee must notify all Alpha-Cen members within 15 days. Replacement in case of resignation: If a member of the Executive Committee resigns, the Committee will organise a General Assembly and new elections within one month, to fill the vacant position until the end of the term. During the transition period, one of the Committee Members will fill the vacant position.
Note: According to the current Alpha-Cen Statute, any active member of Alpha-Cen can be part of the Executive Committee elected during the General Assembly. This includes people from countries outside Central America and the Caribbean that are involved in collaborations with the region. Raising concerns about the Executive Committee: Alpha-Cen members can raise concerns about the Executive Committee and its members to the Ethics Committee. The Ethics Committee must gather evidence, evaluate the case and make a decision. The Ethics Committee will send a written statement to the Executive Committee with the details of their decision. Their decision can include warnings, removal of committee members, non action required and others. Conflict of interest: Refer to Policy B. Responsibilities of the Executive Committee as an entity:
- Execute and ensure the implementation of the current Statute and resolutions of the General Assembly.
- Administer Alpha-Cen’s assets.
- Organise at least one astronomical science congress or school during the four-year term.
- Prepare a plan, budget, report on activities and financial status of Alpha-Cen every year and present it to the General Assembly ordinary session.
- Investigate any wrongdoing committed by members and impose appropriate disciplinary measures.
- Nominate honorary members and associate institutions during the General Assembly.
- Promote scientific activities related to the study of astronomical sciences.
- Any other duties that fall under its remit as the administrative body of Alpha-Cen according to the current Statute. Executive Committee sessions: The Executive Committee will meet regularly as established and agreed by the members. Extraordinary sessions can be organised whenever necessary or required. More than half of the members of the Executive Committee must be present to ensure the validity of these sessions. Executive Committee decisions: To make a decision, a motion needs to be presented by an Executive Committee member. The decision will be approved if the majority of members present in the meeting vote in favour. In case of a tie, the president’s vote counts as two votes.
3.1.3 Advisory Committee: The Advisory Committee is an external body that oversees development and operations of Alpha-Cen. It must convene every two years to prepare a report on the activities of the association. The report should include recommendations on the economical and managerial aspects. Members: It is formed by members of associated institutions. Any person who is a) actively conducting research in astronomy or related sciences; b) interested in being part of the development of astronomical science in Central America and the Caribbean; c) not an active member of Alpha-Cen, can be a member of the Advisory Committee. The Executive Committee is responsible for inviting suitable candidates. Every four-year cycle, the current Executive Committee will select a number of components and most appropriate candidates for the Advisory Committee. Duration: The Advisory Committee will be elected every four years. Each Committee will present two evaluations of Alpha-Cen, one every two years.
3.1.4 Ethics Committee: The Ethics Committee is the body that looks after the ethics and integrity of Alpha-Cen. Members: It is formed by three members of Alpha-Cen who are not members of the Executive Committee. Responsibilities:
- Evaluate cases of wrongdoing within Alpha-Cen and make recommendations to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will then communicate the official decision to the people involved in the case.
- Create and monitor a table of disciplinary measures. Duration: The Ethical Committee will be elected every two years. The members can be re-elected once.
Chapter IV. Disciplinary Measures
4.1 Membership Cancellation: Membership could be lost when a member behaves or acts against the ethics of Alpha-Cen. The Ethical Committee will evaluate each case and advise if membership cancellation is required. The General Assembly will decide whether a temporary suspension or permanent cancellation from Alpha-Cen is more appropriate.
4.2 Ethical Code: Alpha-Cen’s mission is to contribute to, improve and share the scientific comprehension of the Universe. Advancements in astronomical discoveries require a commitment to ethical behaviour in professional activities. This Ethical Code is a guide for the members and affiliates of Alpha-Cen.
All human beings have the right to be part of the scientific community. This right comes with a responsibility that we all share as a community. It is our responsibility to look after the wellbeing of this community by promoting honest behaviour, respect and mutual trust. This must be reflected in our scientific investigations, public outreach and astronomical education in our communities.
4.3 Code of conduct for members, affiliates and people in the community: In Alpha-Cen, we aim to create a safe space by encouraging ethical behaviour among students, postdocs, colleagues and employees of each institution. Abusive, degrading, humiliating or intimidating behaviour is never acceptable. Verbal or physical abuse of any kind is also unacceptable.
All astronomers are responsible for fostering an environment that encourages freedom of expression and exchange of scientific ideas. At the same time, they must promote equality in opportunities and equal treatment regardless of nationality, ethnic group, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, age, etc. All scientists have the right to be respected.
4.4 Student-supervisor relationship: Academic supervisors must facilitate scientific investigations and educational development of students in a safe way, free of bullying or harassment. Supervisors must appropriately acknowledge students’ contributions to the results of scientific investigations. Moreover, supervisors must guide graduating students in their exploration of further opportunities in their professional careers, both within and outside academia.
4.5 Bullying: Any kind of bullying among members of Alpha-Cen is prohibited. In particular, supervisors or senior professionals should be aware that their level of experience and influence must not be used against students. Verbal harassment (for example offensive or unwanted comments, insults, jokes and stereotypes), non-verbal harassment (for example obscene gestures; distribution, exhibition and discussion of graphic material/unappropriate writings; any material that ridicules, belittles, insults or disrespects an individual or group), physical harassment (for example unwanted physical contact or violation of personal space) and sexual harassment are prohibited.
Chapter V. Review of the constitution
5.1 A periodical review of the constitution is recommended. The Executive Committee should arrange the review of the constitution. If actions and changes are required, the Executive Committee will nominate two Alpha-Cen members to work on the changes and present to a General Assembly for approval. If the constitution needs to be amended prior to the 5 year, mark the Executive Committee most document their motivation for amendment and bring the proposal to the General Assembly.
Alpha-Cen Policies
Central American and Caribbean Astrophysics
Updated by the Executive Committee in Feb 2022
In addition to the constitution, the Alpha-Cen policies state best practices and decision making. These can be reviewed and change in a General Assembly.
A Membership fee
Proposed and accepted in the 2020 General assembly.
Proposed annual amount in USD:
Full members: $35.00
Associate members: $0.00
Basic members: $0.00
Support members: $50.00
Institutional membership: $1000.00
This membership fee could be waived by request.
B Conflict of interest
B.1 A conflict of interest may occur if a financial interest or a relationship influences or appears to influence the ability of an Executive Committee Member to exercise objectivity.
B.2 The Executive Committee places great importance on making clear any existing or potential conflicts of interest. All such conflicts of interest shall be declared by the members.
B.3 If an Executive Committee Member has an actual or perceived conflict of interest, as defined by statute, the Executive Committee member shall not initiate or take part in any Executive Committee discussion on that topic (either in the meeting or with other Executive Committee members before or after the Executive Committee meetings), unless expressly invited to do so by unanimous agreement by all other members present.
B.4 If an Executive Committee member has an actual or perceived conflict of interest, as defined by statute, the Executive Committee member shall not vote on that matter.
B.5 The Executive Committee may further supplement the definition of conflict of interest as needed, and may specify the procedures to follow.
B.8 Executive Committee members are not barred from engaging in business dealings with the organisation, provided that these are beneficial for the organisation and thoroughly evaluated and approved by Alpha-Cen members.
C Complaint handling and collection of feedback
C.1 Alpha-Cen stakeholder might wish to provide feedback about the Executive Committee, members, Alpha-Cen divisions and Alpha-Cen activities. This is intended to handle complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively.
C.2 Complaints about the Alpha-Cen Executive Committee and individual members. Alpha-Cen has a separate Ethics Committee which looks after the member’s behaviour. If an Alpha-Cen member has a complaint about the Executive Committee, one of the Executive Committee members or any Alpha-Cen member, can reach out to the Ethics committee via direct email (email provided on the website).
C.2.1 The Ethics Committee will review the complaint, collect evidence and suggest a course of action. The Ethics Committee must keep the confidentiality of the data (person raising the complaint, motivation and personal details) unless requested otherwise by the person raising the complaint.
C.2.2 The Ethics Committee will propose a course of action regarding the complaint to the Executive Committee and to the General Assembly. Members will vote to make a final decision.
C.3 Feedback about Alpha-Cen activities. The organising committee of each Alpha-Cen activity must collect feedback after finalising the activity. This can be done using a form or via email. A summary of the feedback collected should be included on the activity report submitted to the Alpha-Cen Executive Committee.
C.4 General feedback. General feedback can be submitted via email or via the Alpha-Cen ‘contact-us’ section in the website. This feedback is received and actioned by the Executive Committee.
D Alpha-Cen Activities and Alpha-Cen logo
Alpha-Cen encourages its members to organise and run activities on behalf of Alpha-Cen. The process to run an Alpha-Cen activity and use our logo is the following:
- Notify the Executive Committee about the activity you are planning to run by email or by joining an Executive Committee meeting. You can request Alpha-Cen support monetarily (if money is available) or by engaging other Alpha-Cen members as volunteers.
- Fill in the activity form provided by the Executive Committee. The activity form allows the Executive Committee to track and report on the numbers of activities ran by Alpha-Cen members. These numbers inform grant applications and fundraising.
E Financial controls policies
E.1 Financial transactions carried out in the name of Alpha-Cen shall, as far as possible, be governed by the following principles.
E.2 No payments shall be made in the name of Alpha-Cen unless such payment has been authorised by the Executive Committee.
E.3 Payment authorisation can be made either through Executive Committee approval in the annual budget or by other avenues approved by the Executive Committee (such as through a written delegation of the Executive Committee).
E.4 Complete records of payment authorisation should be kept on file.
E.5 The Executive Committee, through the Treasurer, shall have continuous access to Alpha-Cen’s bank statements and Alpha-Cen’s accounts, books and records.
E.6 Any person who has an actual or potential conflict of interest in respect of any:
- payment
- approval of a supplier
- approval of an agreement or contract with an external party
- loan from Alpha-Cen’s funds
- contract of employment,
must declare that conflict of interest to the Executive Committee and either comply with any Executive Committee direction or withdraw from involvement in the transaction.
E.7 Financial transaction cards may only be issued to a person approved by the Executive Committee.
E.8 Cardholders and persons making a payment out of petty cash (Payor) must obtain a tax invoice or receipt for each transaction. If a tax receipt is lost or misplaced, the Payor must provide a written statement setting out the details of the transaction. Tax invoices or receipts and statements must be provided to the Executive Committee with each monthly account statement.
F. Social Media policy
This Social Media Policy outlines Alpha-Cen’s expectations of members when using social media or making public comments online.
Social media is an important tool that Alpha-Cen uses to publicise its operations and solicit public support.
The purpose of this policy is to encourage members to generate appropriate social media content in connection with Alpha-Cen.
It also aims to set expectations and protocols to ensure that social media posts are consistent with the values of Alpha-Cen and that posts made through its social media channels do not damage the Alpha-Cen’s reputation.
F.1 People covered by this policy will be collectively referred to as ‘members’.
F.2 Social media includes, but is not limited to, engagement on:
- Google+
- WordPress/Blogger
- YouTube/Vimeo
- iTunes/Podcasting
- Snapchat
- TikTok
- Online chat forums/tools (e.g. WhatsApp, Messenger, WeChat, Viber)
- and any other new forms of social media that may emerge from time to time
F.2 Alpha-Cen’s social media use shall be consistent with the following core values:
- Integrity: Alpha-Cen will not knowingly post incorrect, defamatory or misleading information about our own work or the work of other organisations or individuals. In addition, we will post in accordance with the organisation’s Copyright and Privacy policies.
- Professionalism: Alpha-Cen’s social media represents the organisation as a whole and should seek to maintain a professional and uniform tone. Volunteers may, from time to time and as appropriate/authorised, post on behalf of Alpha-Cen using our online profiles, but the impression should remain one of a singular organisation rather than a group of individuals.
- Information Sharing: Alpha-Cen encourages the sharing and reposting of online information that is relevant, appropriate to our mission and aims, and of interest to our members.
F.3 All posts that relate to Alpha-Cen must meet content guidelines for use of social media. This includes:
- posts on or connected with Alpha-Cen’s social media accounts; and
- posts on members’ own social media accounts (Personal Social Media Use).
F.4 Connected with Alpha-Cen’s social media accounts
The social media manger may approve an individual to post on Alpha-Cen’s social media accounts (Approved Poster). To approve a post the social media manager most evaluate:
- The extent of control Alpha-Cen has over the Approve Poster.
- Whether the individual has the appropriate communication skills.
- What understanding the individual has of the risks of social media use.
- Current and former responsibilities and how the individual performed in those roles.
Only Approved Posters should have access to social media account passwords and logins.
The Executive Committee must keep records of Approved Posters and review the appropriateness of approvals on an annual basis.
F.5 Personal Social Media Use
Subject to this Policy, members should seek prior approval from the social media manager before engaging in Personal and/or Professional Social Media Use about or connected with Alpha-Cen, save for promoting or supporting Alpha-Cen’s activities.
Members that are not Approved Posters may engage in Personal and/or Professional Social Media Use about or connected to Alpha-Cen without prior approval from Alpha-Cen, provided that the use complies with the Social Media Policy, Content Guidelines and Procedure.
Content guidelines
F.6 Alpha-Cen respects the right of members to participate in political, advocacy and community activities.
F.7 Members should be aware that content published online and on social media is, or may become, publicly available, even from personal social media accounts. Alpha-Cen expects members to take reasonable steps to ensure that their social media use and public comments fall within the following parameters.
F.8 When engaging in Professional Social Media Use, Alpha-Cen expects that members will:
- be professional and respectful,
- promote the best interests of Alpha-Cen,
- not include misleading or deceptive statements or inferences,
- refrain from inappropriate swearing,
- only include intellectual property (such as photos, videos and quotes) that Alpha-Cen has permission to use or that do not require permission to use,
- comply with Alpha-Cen’s Privacy Policy.
F.9 When engaging in Personal and/or Professional Social Media Use, members must also ensure that they:
- don’t use a work email address to register personal social media accounts,
- refrain from conduct that has the potential to damage Alpha-Cen’s reputation,
- don’t make comments that are unlawful, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or hateful to, or about other members, clients or stakeholders of Alpha-Cen,
- don’t make comments that are, or could be perceived to:
- be made on behalf of Alpha-Cen, rather than an expression of a personal view unless approved or consistent with the Social Media Policy and Procedure,
- are mindful that their behaviour is bound by Alpha-Cen’s code of conduct
- make clear that any views expressed in Personal Social Media use are their own and not those of Alpha-Cen (however, this will not necessarily protect them from breaching the Policy).
F.10 If a member breaches this Policy or associated procedures, they may be subjected to disciplinary action, up to and including the termination of their memberships.
G. Alpha-Cen Division
——-Currently paused———–
Alpha-Cen includes the following Divisions:
- Astrophysics
- Instrumentation
- Astronautics
- Cultural astronomy
- Science outreach and communications
- Professional development
New Divisions can be proposed by at least 10 members and appointed by the Executive Committee. The members of each Division will elect a coordinator, who is in charge to present plans and reports to the Executive Committee, which will then inform the General Assembly.
H Alpha-Cen stakeholders matrix